She is Woman tells the story of the average Nigerian woman, and the global woman by extension, in a punchy tone that aims to upset the reader enough to do something about the woes that bedevil the Nigerian woman today. Everyone agrees that the subtle but deeply entrenched notion in society that a woman is a second-class citizen must be dethroned. Sadly, only precious few have actually put their hands to the plough. What is needed isn’t just the zeal for change but the requisite knowledge to actualise it.
Like only a lawyer can, the author of this book empowers her readers with an arsenal of resources, both legal and non-legal, to ensure that everyone takes up arms with and for the woman to bring an end to the tyrannical reign of gender discrimination in our society once and for all.
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Social media is an amoral, mindless entity with amazing potential that can only be fully capitalised on by the informed. This book focuses on young people, globally, equipping them with the relevant information they need to bring about positive change in their personal lives and in their countries at large. The book also curates several examples of cases where social media has been used to resounding success even in the face of the direst challenges. Hopefully, these stories of remarkable foresight and bravery would inspire the reader to actively pursue transformation at all levels by fully harnessing the information extensively discussed within this book.
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